LookIntoIt — 12/11/22

This December the eleventh marks twenty-seven years Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen has gone home to be with The Lord. His very fruitful ministry produced a massive amount of material for evangelizing that has recently been released to the public. The Bahnsen Institute has the details:

“In July 2020, the Bahnsen Institute’s predecessor, the Bahnsen Project, contracted with Covenant Media Foundation to obtain shared rights to the audio files of Dr. Bahnsen and that contract was satisfied in September 2020. Many audio files were immediately posted online, and the entire library was uploaded to SermonAudio.com by the anniversary of Dr. Bahnsen’s death on December 11, 2021. Digital audio remastering began in early 2021.” — www.bahnseninstitute.com

Being a Christian and an admirer of Dr. Bahnsen’s work for many years, when I heard this news, I immediately looked on YouTube to see if these materials were available there. And since I did not find a comparable amount as found on Sermon Audio.com, I have decided to bring them to YouTube myself, via a channel named after the great man himself. The channel will be exclusive to Dr. Bahnsen’s work on apologetics.

If he were alive today, I feel he would most certainly be on a platform that interacts with billions of people around the globe, for furthering the goals of the Kingdom of God. Please visit the channel frequently and subscribe. And visit The Bahnsen Institute to learn more about this great man of God.

A short Biography of Greg L. Bahnsen:

“Greg L. Bahnsen, (1948-1995), was an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and a full time Scholar in Residence for the Southern California Center for Christian Studies. He received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Southern California, specializing in the theory of knowledge. He previously received the B.A. (magna cum laude, philosophy) from Westmont College, and then simultaneously earned the M.Div. and Th.M. degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary. Dr. Bahnsen lectured to a broad range of evangelical Christian groups at many colleges and conferences. He was an experienced apologist and debater, a clear and cogent teacher of the Christian worldview who was devoted to training believers in understanding and applying the Christian faith to every area of life. He published numerous scholarly articles, a number of well-known books, and has over 1,500 recorded lectures and sermons. NOTE: While Dr. Bahnsen died on December 11th, 1995, his audio tapes and written materials were, and still remain, the foundation for Covenant Media Foundation’s ministry.” – CMF (Covenant Media Foundation)

Greg Bahnsen’s Final Sermon – For To Me, To Live is Christ, and To Die is Gain

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Greg L. Bahnsen Channel