Chuck Baldwin, A Casual Chat With My Liberty Fellowship Family – 3/26/23

Look Into It, 3/28/23

Chuck Baldwin returned to pastor his local/online church, Liberty Fellowship, after having undergone emergency throat surgery. He gave the following remarks last Sunday, 3/26/23:

“…The point is, is that, I take my responsibility in this pulpit very seriously. It’s an honor; it’s a privilege; and it’s a duty, for me to be here. And I will be here. And if I’m not here, something bad has taken place. Now typically it’s a bad sinus infection that knocks me out, maybe for a Sunday…three Sundays?

I’m urging you to be in attendance next Sunday and let me tell you the story. Let me show you from the Bible what happened. Let me show you how the attacks of Satan are aimed at the people that are serving God and preaching New Covenant truth, and how it happened to me. And how totally, thoroughly naive, and stupid I was, in the hands of the most sophisticated intelligent serial killer in the universe, Satan, who toyed with me like I was a little boy. How I fell into his trap, and I did not even recognize where I was and what was happening. I’m going to tell you the story and it’s going to be unlike anything you’ve heard; and it’s right out of the Apocalypse.

And I believe with all of my heart, the timing of this event was directly related to the messages that we’re preaching in the prophecy series from Revelation emphasizing the New Covenant of the Lord Jesus Christ. The devil hates it! And he did his best; and he almost succeeded.

Online, I’m asking you to please spread the word to your friends and loved ones next Sunday. And the title is, Satan’s Attack Against These New Covenant Prophecy Messages. That’s the title of next Sunday’s message. And I’m going to tell you the story; and I’m going to show you the word of God. And I believe when I’m done you’re going to have a greater appreciation than ever before for the wonder and the glory the majesty of the New Covenant, and the reality of the real battle that we are in with the enemy, who hates the New Covenant Gospel of Jesus Christ.

And Liberty Fellowship, what a privilege we have to be able to stand here every day (every Sunday) and Minister that New Covenant truth to people not just in the United States, but all over the world: what an honor we have.”

On 4/2/23, watch the live stream of Chuck Balwin’s special message, Satan’s Attack Against These New Covenant Prophecy Messages, via this link. https://libertyfellowshipmt.com/Resources/LiveStream.aspx
Messages are live-streamed from Kalispell, MT, on this page every Sunday afternoon at approximately 2:30 p.m. Mountain Time.

  • The video containing the statements above, is embedded below.
This message was preached by Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, March 26, 2023, during the service at Liberty Fellowship.
