By Barbara Loe Fisher,9/13/2020
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As the National Vaccine Information Center prepares to host the three day, three night Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination that will be broadcast online Oct. 16-18, 2020, the theme we have chosen is Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century, because at no time in modern history has it been more important for all of us to take a stand and do just that. This year, the orchestrated actions by governments around the world to restrict or eliminate civil liberties in response to the emergence of a new coronavirus has been unprecedented, and it has had profound effects on the global economy and on the physical, mental and emotional health of billions of people. 1

By mid-September 2020, there were about 29 million cases of the new Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) reported worldwide with about 925,000 associated deaths. The United States, the third most populated country in the world at 330 million people, had recorded over seven million cases and 198,000 deaths, with an estimated 598 deaths per million people, which is a higher death rate pthan Sweden, 2where health officials have refused to order masking or lock down the country and allowed the population to acquire natural herd immunity to the virus. 3 4
Overall COVID-19 Mortality Less Than One Percent
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the overall mortality rate for the new SARS coronavirus causing COVID-19 is about 0.6 percent, 5 although some scientists say it is lower, 6 while others estimate it can be as high as one to two percent in some parts of the world. 7 Compared to Ebola with a 50 percent mortality rate 8or smallpox, at 30 percent; 9 tuberculosis at 20 to 70 percent; 10 diphtheria at 5 to 10 percent; 11 or the 1918 influenza pandemic with a 2.5 percent mortality rate, 12 COVID-19 is near the bottom of the infectious diseases mortality scale with a less one percent mortality rate in most countries.
Those at highest risk for complications and death include the elderly and those with one or more poor health conditions. 13 The CDC recently reported that only six percent of COVID-19-related deaths were solely due to coronavirus infection and 94 percent of the people who died also had influenza or pneumonia; heart, lung or kidney disease; high blood pressure; diabetes, or another underlying poor health condition. 14 Most studies suggest it is rare for children to suffer complications and die from COVID-19. 15
But seven months after the World Health Organization 16 declared a coronavirus pandemic, 17 and public health officials persuaded lawmakers to turn the world upside down, a lot of people are asking questions and so are doctors who disagree with each other about the facts. Questions like:
Where did the new respiratory virus come from?

The most popular narratives about the mutated coronavirus is that it either jumped out of a bat or another animal in a Chinese wet food market 18 19 or escaped out of a biohazard lab in 2019, 20 21 but scientists continue to argue about which scenario is more likely. 22
And this question:
If I wear a cloth facemask, does it really prevent me from getting infected with or transmitting COVID-19?
There is an ongoing debate in the medical community about whether it is a good idea for all healthy children and adults to wear cloth masks when they leave their home. 23

In March 2020, the US Surgeon General ordered the American public to stop buying and wearing masks because “they are not effective in preventing general public from catching coronavirus” 24 and “actually can increase the spread of coronavirus,” which was the position of the World Health Organization. 25 But in April, the CDC walked back its “do not mask” order and urged all healthy Americans to voluntarily wear homemade cloth face coverings when entering public spaces. 26
In June, the World Health Organization was continuing to say that, “At the present time, the widespread use of masks everywhere is not supported by high-quality scientific evidence, and there are potential benefits and harms to consider…Masks on their own will not protect you from COVID-19,” 27 But by June, a number of state Governors and local governments had mandated facemask wearing and an epidemic of mask shaming had begun, 28 29 which led to public protests against masking mandates.30 In August, the CDC doubled down and expanded face masking directives to include all children over the age of two, 31 while the World Health Organization warned that children under the age of six should not wear masks but children over age 12 should. 32
So confusion reigns. While some scientists are saying that if all healthy people are forced to wear face masks it will not stop the coronavirus pandemic and gives a dangerous and false illusion of safety, 33 other scientists are demonizing the refusers, alleging that people refusing to mask up are “sociopathic” and have lower levels of empathy. 34

About 30 U.S. states require masking for young children and adults who enter public spaces, 35 and some states are leveling steep fines of up to $1,000 or threatening jail time for anyone who fails to comply. 36 Washington state has made not wearing a mask in public a misdemeanor crime 37 and central Texas officials say they wish they could put people in prison for refusing to wear a mask. 38 More than 50 countries in the world now require people to cover their faces when they leave home and some do fine and imprison people who go outside without wearing a mask. 39
So what about getting tested for COVID-19? The CDC says that people should get tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with the infection. There is also an antibody test to identify whether or not you have been infected in the past. 40
But lab tests are not always reliable and people are asking this logical question:
If I get a lab test, will it accurately identify if I am currently infected or have been infected with COVID-19 in the past?
Unfortunately, it’s not clear how accurate any of the tests are, especially the antibody test for past infection because the presence of antibodies may not be the only way to measure immunity. 41 The best guess is that the range of reported false negative results for the nasal swab test is between two and 50 percent, and the reported false negative results for the antibody blood test is up to 30 percent, depending upon when during or after the infection testing is performed. 42

In July, a state lab in Connecticut admitted that 90 out of 144 people tested during a 30 day period – most of them nursing home residents – were inaccurately informed they were infected because of faulty, false positive lab tests. 43 In August, 77 football players in the National Football league were given false positive test results when, after retesting, all the tests came back negative. 44
People are also wondering about what happens after they get COVID-19, asking this question:
If I recover from COVID-19 will I only get temporary immunity or will I have long-term immunity against re-infection?
The CDC says it is unknown how long immunity lasts or whether you can get the new coronavirus infection twice. 45 However, last spring researchers found that out of 68 uninfected persons, the blood from one third of them contained helper T-cells that recognized the mutated SARS coronavirus. They concluded the presence of these defensive helper T cells gives evidence for some residual immunity that may have been produced after common cold infections caused by other types of coronaviruses. This, the scientists said, “bodes well for the development of long-term protective immunity.” 46
Another important study was published in the medical literature in August providing evidence for robust memory T cell immune responses in people who had recovered from even mild or asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 but had no detectable virus-specific antibodies. 47
If people can have strong immune responses without symptoms and traditional antibody tests for proof of immunity don’t apply to COVID-19, public health officials may be underestimating the extent of population-level herd immunity that already exists in the U.S., where there have been more cases reported than anywhere else.
COVID-19 Public Health Laws A Public Relations Disaster
While doctors debate the science, it is becoming clearer that the response to the new coronavirus infection by government health officials has been a public relations disaster. The anxiety, fear, and chaos created by regulations instituted by most governments after the declaration of a COVID-19 pandemic in March 2019 has torn the fabric of societies and affected public opinion about public health laws and vaccination. 48

Now the people are being told that there is one – and only one – simple solution to resolving the crisis and getting back to normal: that is, the only way we can take off our masks and touch, hug, kiss, or come close to each other again 49 50 51 52 53 54 is for every person living in every country to get injected with one of the liability-free COVID-19 vaccines being fast tracked to market. 55 56 57 58 59
In April, World Health Organization officials at the United Nations launched a global initiative “to end the Covid-19 pandemic, ”proclaiming that, “no one is safe until everyone is safe.”60 By May, they were warning that if every person in the world doesn’t get injected with a COVID-19 vaccination, the virus “may never go away.” 61
The World Health Organization, 62 US government 63 64 65 66 and lawmakers in the European Union, 67 along with wealthy and politically powerful non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like the Gates Foundation, 68 69 70 GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, 71 and Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) 72 have given the pharmaceutical industry tens of billions of dollars to develop and fast track experimental coronavirus vaccines to market and promote their universal use. 73 74 At the same time, governments have given pharmaceutical companies a liability shield from lawsuits when COVID-19 vaccines injure or kill people. 75 76
The hard sell is on, but a lot of people are not buying it.
People Are Rejecting the COVID-19 Vaccine Sales Pitch
Every poll taken this year has revealed that between 40 and 70 percent of people living in the U.S. and Europe don’t plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine when it is licensed. 77 78 79 80 81 82 Populations in developed countries are resisting the siren call for “solidarity,” as doubt about COVID-19 vaccines is becoming more common in developing counties, too. 83

Apparently, the pushback by a wary public has taken government officials by surprise. Apparently, they were banking that the economic and social deprivation, fear and chaos surrounding lockdowns would produce a bull market for experimental mRNA and DNA COVID-19 vaccines using technology that never has been licensed for humans. 84
It is widely acknowledged now that a solid two-thirds of Americans or more will “just say no” to getting injected with a vaccine containing lab altered parts of a new coronavirus that scientists admit they still don’t know much about, 85 vaccines that preliminary clinical trials have revealed may well cause more than just a few minor reactions. 86 A frustrated top U.S. health official has name-called Americans, who refuse to go along with public health policies and laws, calling them “anti-science” and “anti-authority.” 87 88
The truth is, people in this country and many others just don’t have confidence in the quality and quantity of the science or government health officials they are being told to trust. 89
Angry that a growing number of people are reluctant to roll up their sleeves for a vaccine that is being rushed to market at “warp speed,” public health officials, 90 billionaire Silicon Valley technocrats, 91 92 93 doctors, attorneys and bioethics professors, 94 95 96 97 98 and politicians 99 are beating the drum for swift enactment of “no exceptions” mandatory vaccination laws as soon as COVID-19 vaccines are licensed. 100 Already, some cheerleaders at leading universities are banging that drum for approving and using experimental COVID-19 vaccines even before testing is done, 101 and are calling for young, healthy people to be the first to get the vaccine because it is their “civic duty” to protect everyone else. 102
They warn that “herd immunity may not be achieved if people refuse to take the coronavirus vaccine, 103 104 and say that, in order to keep society “safe,” laws must be passed to threaten and coerce you and your minor children to get vaccinated or face crippling social sanctions that will effectively take away your liberty and destroy your life. 105
People in U.S. and Other Nations Rise Up to Protest Lockdowns, Defending Freedom
This summer, huge public demonstrations defending freedom in Berlin, 106 London, 107 Paris 108 and Copenhagen saw tens of thousands of citizens gather to protest masking 109 and other oppressive coronavirus lockdown policies, which have severely restricted normal physical contact between people, caused widespread unemployment, 110 and harmed their physical, mental and emotional health. 111 Like in Europe, people living in Canada, 112 Australia 113 114 and New Zealand 115 also are resisting months of social distancing policies that have eliminated fundamental human rights, such as freedom of speech and assembly.

The U.S. has seen similar but smaller public demonstrations opposing forced masking, social distancing and lockdown laws and defending freedom in Virginia, 116 Pennsylvania, 117 Wisconsin, 118 Michigan, 119 California 120 and other states, as record numbers of Americans struggle with unemployment, 121 122 the destruction of small middle class businesses, 123 mortgage defaults 124 and bankruptcy filings; 125 steep increases in anxiety and depression, 126 127 drug and alcohol addiction, 128 child and spousal abuse, 129 and divorce. 130
Social Sanctions for Failure to Get Vaccinated May Align with Lockdown Sanctions
The punishing social sanctions being talked about if you refuse a COVID-19 vaccination are likely to be enforced using government-operated electronic tracking systems linked to digital “immunity passports” that require you to “prove” you are immune to the new SARS coronavirus before you are allowed to work in an office building or enter other public spaces. 131 132 133 134 These social sanctions for failure to vaccinate may closely resemble the types of social interaction restrictions enforced in the U.S. and other countries over the past year.
In the U.S., most public health laws, including vaccine laws, are enacted by the states, 135 while the federal government makes vaccine use recommendations and can mandate vaccines for people crossing national or state borders. Local city and county governments also can impose their own public health regulations. 136 That is why some states and cities have seen very restrictive COVID-19 pandemic masking 137 and lockdown regulations 138 and others have been more open. 139
So whether or not you will be punished for refusing to get a COVID-19 shot next year primarily will be determined by your state’s Governor and the representatives who have been elected to make laws in your state Capitol. 140 Depending upon where you live and the political philosophy of the majority of representatives in your state legislature, after the COVID-19 vaccine is licensed by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended by the CDC for use by all children and adults, 141 if you refuse to get a COVID-19 shot, you could be blocked from: 142
- Being employed and going to work in an office
- Getting and education
- Obtaining a driver’s license or passport
- Boarding a train or other public transportation
- Attending a sports game or concert
- Entering a store, restaurant, bar, coffee shop or nail salon
- Booking an appointment with a doctor
And you could be prohibited from checking into a hospital for surgery, or visiting a family member in a nursing home, or blocked from obtaining private health insurance and Medicaid or Medicare.
In other words, if you refuse to get a coronavirus vaccination, you could be subjected to the kinds of punitive social sanctions I have been predicting and publicly warned about since 1997, 143 144 145 146 sanctions that are already being applied to Americans who decline to get or give their children dozens of doses of CDC “recommended” liability free vaccines 147 and already are being denied an education, medical care, and employment. 148 149
Broken Promises Leads to Broken Trust
Doctors and public health officials wondering why people don’t trust what they say about infectious diseases and vaccination, including coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccines, only have to look in the mirror to answer the question.
Since 1982, parents of vaccine injured children have been begging doctors to do the kind of science that will explain why so many highly vaccinated children, who don’t get measles or chicken pox anymore, are stuck on sick and suffering with brain and autoimmune disorders that never go away. 150 For four decades we have been asking doctors and government health officials to stop sweeping casualties of inhumane one-size-fits all vaccine policies under the rug. 151
What we get from medical professors in universities receiving lots of money from the government and pharmaceutical companies, and from doctors developing vaccines, and from public health officials pushing “no exceptions” vaccination policies is threats, name-calling, bullying and punishment if we try to exercise informed consent to vaccination. 152 153 154
There is no other word for it but abuse.
They order us to obey them but refuse to take responsibility for what happens when we obey the orders they give. They expect us to trust them and refuse to care about the victims of vaccination when the benefits do not outweigh the risks. Instead, they act to protect the power and profit-making of their business partners: the pharmaceutical industry, medical trade associations, multi-national media corporations and Silicon Valley billionaires, and leave vaccine victims to take care of themselves.
What’s trust got to do with it?
Broken trust has everything to do with why the majority of people in the U.S. and Europe do not want to roll the dice and find out whether the odds of surviving a COVID-19 vaccination are in their favor.
It is during this extraordinary time of great challenge and opportunity that NVIC is sponsoring the Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination. Our conference will create an expanded base of knowledge about vaccine science, policy, law and ethics brought to you by more than 40 distinguished speakers, who will empower you with information you need to become an effective vaccine freedom advocate. Go to and register today for this historic conference celebrating freedom of thought, speech and conscience and gain permanent online access to this valuable video library of information.
It’s your health, your family, your choice.
And our mission continues: No forced vaccination, not in America.Click the plus sign at the bottom of this page to view and/or post comments on our commentary. Click to View and Access References